Tomosumi is a poet, pianist, and storyteller.


As a Gosei (fifth-generation) Japanese American, Tomosumi grew up picking nashi (梨, pear), from a 60-year-old nashi tree at his grandparents’ backyard.  To him, this celebrated custom symbolizes more than enjoying the summer’s harvest.  He sees it as a replanting of “their roots” in a country that once saw them as the enemy based on the color of their skin.  In 2021, he wrote and self-published his first poetry anthology nashi: Illustrative Poetry on Japanese Americans. This haiku collection is paired with hand-drawn illustrations from my wife, Una and inquiries exploring Nikkei (Japanese emigrants and their descendants) experiences during/post WWII.  Tomosumi's work encompasses community, creativity, and culture to inspire intentional introspection for the next generation.  He feels most at home when creating art with his soulmate and spending time with friends and family.